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TSofNZ came about first as a facebook page because of frustration by a few Transsexuals in the representation of issues they saw as important to Transsexuals. Alas the numbers of Transgender people to Transsexuals is likely around 10:1(anyones guess) and so Transgender groups tend to see a differance of importance.

At no time is it the intention of this group to hurt the Transgender Community. We would hope we will both support the initiatives of the other, so long as it is not detrimental to either.

Transsexuals see important issues in NZ as gaining GRS, medical services, education, employment, discrimination.


TSofNZ members are standing up and being heard.

This' being seen' can put a burden on those doing it but it fosters discussion, questions and therefore education and understanding.
Please support those who do stand up.

TSofNZ members have had articles in/on/by 'New Idea' magizine, '', 'NZ Truth', regional newspapers, 'Lucky Break' and 'That's Life' Magazine. 


TSofNZ members generally believe in the binary of male and female.
This is an important differance between Transsexuals and Transgender people who believe in the spectrum or fluidity.

Transsexuals have a storng belief that they are the gender opposite to that which they were designated at birth and desire to match their gender to their physical gender, as much as possible. This can be limited by health issues and finances.

GRS is not needed to be a Transsexual but it is usual for there to be a strong desire to achieve 'the body match the soul.'


We are female (MtF) or male (FtM). There is no inbetween floating.​

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